Writing to Make a Difference


To all the writers I know and have met through social media, I want to say that I believe in you.

I believe that what you have to say can have an impact on the world around you. I believe that you are special and talented and I stand in awe of what most of you have accomplished already. I applaud all of your efforts, especially the time and care you’ve put into creating your works of art.

I hope that I can serve as some sort of inspiration by working tirelessly to compile resources and information to make your entire writing and authoring experience easier and more enjoyable.

As a graphic designer, I am currently writing a book that will help you understand how to go about creating all of the images you will need to successfully brand yourself as an author, publish your book, and market your book and your author platform.

This is something I’ve been working on for a while now. I have come to understand that there are so many of you out there who have something amazing to share but just don’t have the financial resources to get the graphics you need that would most likely serve to launch your successful writing career.

Visual imagery attracts the eye, it draws the viewer into what you’re attempting to promote. If you don’t have great graphics to support what you are trying to sell, the chances of you reaching the audience that’s available to you are substantially reduced. You are more than qualified to do the writing that people will enjoy. But you could benefit by having imagery that lives up to what you have to offer and attracts as many new readers to you as possible.

I hope you will find the information I have to share as a helpful resource as you continue along your journey. I want to make creating the graphics you need fun, easy, and affordable. I’m including templates and examples as well as free resources to help you get the graphic design work done on your own. I think you will not only enjoy the process of creating your own imagery, you’ll see the results in your growing network and book sales.

If you have any suggestions for information you’d like me to include, please let me know in the comments section 🙂

All my best,

Michelle Rene

Coming Soon!


If you need help with your book cover or author graphics right away, I’m here to serve you…


8 thoughts on “Writing to Make a Difference”

  1. For some odd reason while reading this, I have some newfound motivation to continue writing my book. It’s a fantasy book that I’m writing right now. And another fantasy book that i have planned after that. Then a science fiction book after that one. While also trying to get a freelance writing career going as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, you sound super busy! But I think that’s great! I was thinking about researching more into the freelancing market. Maybe I can do some posts that you might find helpful. What is your biggest area of concern or need to know in that department?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed I am! And yes, it is great! And oh, that’s really interesting. And I’m not sure really. I suppose on how to even get one started, whether if I really just send in pieces to any newspaper/magazine and keep that up. Or if to advertise for people to have a writer for them.


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